Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Make-up Bag Day 2

I have been day dreaming about making this bag at work all day, and even left work 15 mins early so I can stop by Joann Crafts to get the interface for making this. Of course, while at the store... I picked out more fabric for (maybe) make-up bag jr.

Since I don't really have any pro. patterns cutting tool, I did measurement on a piece of cardboard paper and use it to trace the patterns onto the fabric. (yes... very creative/ghetto of me).

After I iron both outside, inside, and interface fabric all together...even the zip..... I was looking for the zipper footing for my sewing machine. BUT... couldn't find it anywhere. ITS NOT MEANT TO BE SEW WITH MACHINE THEN! Yup.... I decided to do it all by hands.... well, least the zipper part. Usually my sewing project always end up being finished by hand stitching. Don't ask me why... I guess I am a truly HANDMADE crafty kinda gal.

Think my stitching is not all that bad.

Most the time I find hand stitching soothing. It's a very simple act. Also feel the same way about making origami. The idea of using sewing machine is actually more stressful compare to this. This is how sewing all started... one needle... a string of thread... and LOADS of patient... AND time of course.About 30 mins to an hour I was able to finish one side of zipper, and after dinner I managed to finish both sides of the zipper.

And I think I will stop right here for tonight and try to finish more tomorrow.

Night Night

1 comment:

amychien said...

Wow that looks awesome! Can't wait to see the finished product.