Friday, May 7, 2010

Is this possible the next project? I think YES!

While waiting for my book to arrive, I read some of U Handbags and found this AWESOME (sing it.. not just say it... you need to SING IT!) tutorial. Honestly, I don't really like the handle of that purse too much. It seems heavy for the shape of this bag. So I am now thinking maybe I will use this instead:

Well, I will still have to figure out how to work out the whole thing and then its "TO THE PURSE MAKING!!!"

Thursday, May 6, 2010

More Bags!!

So everyone love my two make-up bags and I had already got a order for the smaller one. YAY!! In search of more cutting patterns for bags I cam cross this awesome website - U Handbags and learned that she is actually having a book to be published soon.

I already pre-ordered it and it will be here in Sept. (booo.... thats a long ass waiting period...)

Mean while... I think I will go back to my paper related projects.

Monday, May 3, 2010


YAY!!! Ain't they just the cutest make-up bags?! Think I am now a little bit addicted to making them, but I don't have any ideas what else I can use them for.

Think I sewed my eyes together by accident last night

So I sewed away on Sunday, and luckily this time I checked and checked alone the way and the bag is now FINISHED! It took me most of the day, and didn't had time to take photo of it. After getting back from friends' place for dinner (thanks to Ede, I had some real food on for dinner), I decided to make a smaller bag with the left-over fabric I have got from the "mistake" while waiting for boyfriend to drive (half sober...I am always a positive person...) back from the buzz fest.

Well, I am at work right now, but I feel like this:
I will upload pictures of both bags tonight.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

It is ON! again!!

Starting a new make up bag! And this time... it will be a SUCCESS!! Well, while I am working on this, I would like to share very a interesting conversation (OK... not really a conversation).

Jeremy (Boyfriend's friend): Are we still on for Saturday?
Boyfriend: Does bear shit in the woods?
Jeremy: Hell Yeah!
Boyfriend: Then fuck yeah we are still on for Saturday.

Oh, boys are so odd!!

Back to work on my bag!!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Make-up Bag FAIL!!

Yup! You read that title correctly. There is a lesson to be learned. Well, actually two lessons.

First, read the instructions more carefully.
Second, double check, QUADRUPLE CHECK, QUADRUPLE CHECK!!!! before you cut anything!

At this point everything is still good.


Yup... first I sew the wrong corners... then I cut all the four WRONG corners before I double check the bag. So now there is no going back to fix it! (cry!!!!! cry!!!! CRY!!!!!) I was screaming in the room and was about to skip gym today to just START A NEW ONE. BUT Josh said I should go work out just so I actually DO accomplish something today. So off to gym I go...and I WILL start a new bag tomorrow (or even after i get back from the gym).

GRRRRRR.... going to work out my frustrations.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Make-up Bag Day 2

I have been day dreaming about making this bag at work all day, and even left work 15 mins early so I can stop by Joann Crafts to get the interface for making this. Of course, while at the store... I picked out more fabric for (maybe) make-up bag jr.

Since I don't really have any pro. patterns cutting tool, I did measurement on a piece of cardboard paper and use it to trace the patterns onto the fabric. (yes... very creative/ghetto of me).

After I iron both outside, inside, and interface fabric all together...even the zip..... I was looking for the zipper footing for my sewing machine. BUT... couldn't find it anywhere. ITS NOT MEANT TO BE SEW WITH MACHINE THEN! Yup.... I decided to do it all by hands.... well, least the zipper part. Usually my sewing project always end up being finished by hand stitching. Don't ask me why... I guess I am a truly HANDMADE crafty kinda gal.

Think my stitching is not all that bad.

Most the time I find hand stitching soothing. It's a very simple act. Also feel the same way about making origami. The idea of using sewing machine is actually more stressful compare to this. This is how sewing all started... one needle... a string of thread... and LOADS of patient... AND time of course.About 30 mins to an hour I was able to finish one side of zipper, and after dinner I managed to finish both sides of the zipper.

And I think I will stop right here for tonight and try to finish more tomorrow.

Night Night

I am WAY ahead of myself

I have been looking at all different handmade clutches, purses, and bags on Etsy and look what I found:

GraceyBags' Shop

Of course she has more colorful ones, but I just absolutely love the shape of it. Being me, of course I think this too should be easy to make. So I googled "how to make clutch" and think "How to make clutch purse" is actually simple enough for me to understand. Now comes the question of how am I going to be able to make cutting patterns that have curved corners like Gracey's?

Ah.... then again.... I haven't even started on my make-up bag. I really should finish one thing at a time and worry about this one later.

Still wishful thinking is always allowed.

Monday, April 26, 2010

I Had A Date With DIY Wedding Crafts

My dear dear crazy friend Amy (please pay her a visit at her wedding blog) is getting married this year July and together we have had so many success and fail DIY projects. And as for the past weekend she invited friends over and we all put our hands together and made some lovely items for her special day.

I was in charge of making the boutineers for the boys.

She found the similar boutineer for sell on Etsy:

I think we did pretty well, but after 9 boutineers...I think I have had enough of this for maybe couple weeks. haha...

please do ignore my crazy hair.

Make-up Bag Day 1

So... as I mention in my previous blog, the mission of this "Make-up Bag" is now officially started! (YEAH!!!!!! ) After working out with my sweet gym buddy S. for 2 hours, I can barely lift my arms to open the car door...BUT! I pushed myself hard to iron the fabric... set up the sewing machine.

Here is a picture of the fabric i chose for this Mission:

Will use the red fabric as the inside lining.

Sadly, I only got enough energy left for this... and will have to leave the rest for tomorrow. So night night sewing machine and HELLOOOOOO fluffy pillows!


Make-up Bag - Mission "not entirely" Impossible

I get these urges of making random items from time to time. Most the time, I do lose the urge either before I actually start the project or get really bored with it in the middle of it. (shame on me...yes... I know...) For that past few weeks, I had this BURNING DESIRE of making my own make-up bag (altho...I don't even wear make up everyday...but DANG IT I want one!). So I googled "how to make a make up bag" and landed on this

(made by Hiccup)

Isn't this just SUPPAR CUTE?!

So... I got some awesome fabric at home...and going to "try" to make this. I do have a sewing machine at home...but I usually end up hand stitch everything.

I think this will take about a week (saddly I do have to work from 9 to I can actually feed myself...and funding my random desire of crafty projects).

I'll post updates about this in the future.